Volume 7, Issue 1-2
  • ISSN 2210-2116
  • E-ISSN: 2210-2124
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This article focuses on the diachronic development of English and Spanish ‘turn out’ mirative constructions. Having undergone processes of semantic generalization over time, both verbs express evidential and, most prominently, mirative nuances in the present-day languages. This study explores the mechanisms that condition the evolution of and from their original meanings as lexical resultative and change-of-state verbs towards their eventual subjectification and grammaticalization as predicates conveying evidential and mirative senses. The present-day mirative constructions take - and infinitival complement clauses in both languages. The analysis suggested here shows that both verbs exhibit diverging, though closely related, paths and degrees of grammaticalization. Moreover, this study delves into the further development of these predicates as parenthetical expressions. While English parenthetical has already been grammaticalized, Spanish may be on its way to becoming a grammaticalized parenthetical.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): evidentiality; grammaticalization; mirativity; raising predicates; resultar; turn out
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