Volume 21, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1566-5852
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9854
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This study addresses the evolution of the Sicilian discourse marker to explore the concept of cyclicity in semantic–pragmatic change. Stemming from Latin (‘while, in the meantime’), the temporal conjunction develops – like its Romance cognates – an adversative function meaning ‘whereas’, which further evolves from an oppositional to a counter-expectational contrast value meaning ‘though’. The latter serves as a bridging context for the emergence of discourse-pragmatic uses and is examined below. evolves as discourse marker: formally, it gains greater syntactic and positional independence, and it increases in scope; functionally, it displays both textual and interpersonal values. In its overall path, shows a cyclical change in respect to the adversative function: oppositional contrast emerges out of the temporal meaning, it then develops into counter-expectation, and it eventually fades into the discourse-pragmatic values. The rise of as a discourse marker is thus interpreted as a case of cyclicity from a semasiological perspective.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): cyclicity; discourse markers; semasiology; Sicilian
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