Volume 24, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1566-5852
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9854
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This paper considers the guidelines for polite conversation and appropriate comportment presented in Cicero’s philosophical treatise (44 ), examining them in the light of recent scholarship on modern conduct manuals (e.g., Terkourafi [2011]Alfonzetti [2016]Culpeper [2017] and Paternoster and Saltamacchia [2017]). In particular, it considers: (1) Cicero’s attempt to impose order on conversational practices; (2) his guidelines on rebuking others appropriately (a topic often omitted from modern manuals); (3) the ways in which his views on conversation coincide with modern theories of politeness; (4) his association of polite manners with moral behaviour and social class; and (5) the role of caricature in his depictions of inappropriate behaviour.


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