Volume 9, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2032-6904
  • E-ISSN: 2032-6912
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In 2020 the first two courses on localization were introduced in Slovakia. During their preparatory stages, it was thought that they would be taught in person. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia had worsened by the end of the summer of 2020; teaching over both semesters was moved online and the syllabi had to be promptly adjusted to the new situation. Another change in the syllabi was required in the following academic year as teaching began in a hybrid format.

The presented paper is a case study, and it will deal with the adjustments made to the courses; it will briefly introduce the first syllabi and then present the changes made after the switch to distance teaching and after the switch to hybrid teaching. The various parts of the syllabi are accompanied by statements from students that were gathered in an anonymous survey after each semester to see whether they were satisfied with the course and whether they understood the problems they had been dealing with. The results of the paper will discuss the changes, their positive and negative impact on the overall syllabi of the first two localization courses, and improvements and changes.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): course on localization; curriculum design; localization; localization teaching
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