Volume 8, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2032-6904
  • E-ISSN: 2032-6912
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Even though video games are highly popular, localization into Slovak is rather rare and the language struggles to maintain a presence in the video game industry. This is partly because Slovak is a less widely spoken language, and also because it is mutually intelligible with the more dominant Czech language, having a common history. Our paper examines the Slovak-Czech parallels in the respective language-, audiovisual- and multimedia- related legislation as well as market practices. A similar comparative analysis is conducted with other less widely spoken European languages, namely Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian. Our results show that among the examined languages, Czech is by far in the strongest position as a supported language in video games on various platforms whereas Slovak, Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian are hardly present. We hope that the results of our research will stimulate the discussion on this issue.


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    Game title, (publisher, country, year of first release)
  41. Spacewar!
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  42. Mafia trilogy
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  43. Barbie
    Barbie, (Hi Tech Expressions, USA 1991)
  44. The Sims
    The Sims, (Maxis, USA 2000)
  45. W.I.T.C.H.
    W.I.T.C.H., (Disney, Italy 2005)
  46. Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated
    Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated, (Purple Lamp Studios, Austria 2020)
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    LEGO Harry Potter, (Warner Bros Interactive, USA 2010)
  48. LEGO Batman series
    LEGO Batman series, (Traveller’s Tales (UK) / Warner Bros Interactive, USA 2008)
  49. Puyo Puyo™ Tetris® 2
    Puyo Puyo™ Tetris® 2, (SEGA, Japan 2020)
  50. Vaporum
    Vaporum, (FatBot Studios, Slovakia 2017)
  51. Shadows: Heretic Kingdom
    Shadows: Heretic Kingdom, (Games Farm, Slovakia 2014)
  52. Seaport
    Seaport, (Pixel Federation, Slovakia 2015)
  53. Euro Truck Simulator
    Euro Truck Simulator, (SCS Software, Czech Republic 2008)
  54. Euro Truck Simulator 2
    Euro Truck Simulator 2, (SCS Software, Czech Republic 2012)
  55. American Truck Simulator
    American Truck Simulator, (SCS Software, Czech Republic 2016)
  56. Yestermorrow
    Yestermorrow (Bitmap Galaxy, Slovakia 2020)
  57. Space Engineers
    Space Engineers, (Keen Software House, Czech Republic 2013)
  58. Arma II: Operation Arrowhead
    Arma II: Operation Arrowhead, (Bohemia Interactive, Czech Republic 2010)
  59. Total War: NAPOLEON
    Total War: NAPOLEON, (Creative Assembly, Czech Republic 2010)
  60. Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey
    Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey (Ubisoft Montreal, Ubisoft Quebec, Ubisoft Singapore, Ubisoft Milanto name a few 2018)
  61. Cyberpunk 2077
    Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red, Poland 2020)
  62. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla
    Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla (Ubisoft Montreal 2020)
  63. Watch Dogs: Legion
    Watch Dogs: Legion, (Ubisoft Toronto and Ubisoft Milan 2020)
  64. Immortals Fenyx Rising
    Immortals Fenyx Rising, (Ubisoft Quebec and Ubisoft Milan 2020)
  65. Anno 1800
    Anno 1800 (Ubisoft Blue Byte, Germany 2019)
  66. NeverTales series
    NeverTales series, (Mad Head Studio, Serbia 2013)
  67. Rite of Passage series
    Rite of Passage series, (Mad Head Studio, Serbia 2012)
  68. Superverse
    Superverse, (Superverse Industries, Serbia 2019)
  69. Swap the Dragon Blocks
    Swap the Dragon Blocks, (Bojan Skaljac 2016)
  70. 100 Doors Games: Escape the school
    100 Doors Games: Escape the school, (Peaksel Studio, Serbia 2020)
  71. Hangman +
    Hangman +, (Peaksel Studio, Serbia 2018)
  72. My Virtual Pet series
    My Virtual Pet series, (Peaksel Studio, Serbia 2014)
  73. The Talos Principle
    The Talos Principle, (Croteam, Croatia 2014)
  74. SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
    SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell, (Pine Studio, Croatia 2016)
  75. Junaki Slovenije
    Junaki Slovenije, (Proxima, Slovenia 2019)
  76. My Talking Tom series
    My Talking Tom series, (Outfit7, Slovenia 2013)
  77. Bon Voyage!
    Bon Voyage!, (Boris Zápotocký, Slovakia 2019)
  78. Gas Guzzlers Extreme
    Gas Guzzlers Extreme, (Croteam, Croatia 2013)
  79. Duddu – My virtual Pet
    Duddu – My virtual Pet (Bubadu, Slovenia 2017)
  80. Bubbu School
    Bubbu School (Bubadu, Slovenia 2020)

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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Europe; less widely spoken languages; localization; video games
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