Volume 4, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2032-6904
  • E-ISSN: 2032-6912
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Achievements perform an essential entertainment function in video games. They instruct and reward gamers, and they serve as status symbols or bragging rights within gaming communities. These texts can be challenging for localisers, since they have multiple functions, align with or subvert game mechanics and narrative, and can contain a range of intertextual references, understood as references to other texts, genres, or popular culture ( Mangiron and O’Hagan, 2006 ). Their localisation, therefore, warrants special handling. In this article, I make the case for achievement texts being a unique text type based on Bernal-Merino’s (2014) classification. Further, I propose a macro-level analysis approach that enables localisers to re-render these texts’ essential component parts.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): achievements; intertextuality; localisation; ludolect; text function; video games
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