Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2212-8433
  • E-ISSN: 2212-8441
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This article summarizes the findings of a corpus-based study investigating assessment for learning (AfL) and its relationship to motivation in CLIL contexts. Using a mixed methods approach, classroom recordings from bilingual primary schools in Madrid, Spain, were analyzed to identify motivational strategies used by teachers. The relationship between these strategies and the AfL techniques implemented by teachers was then examined.

The findings show that the implementation of AfL coincided with an increase in frequency, length of time of use, and variety of teacher motivational strategies. This led to classes in which activities were supported by a more motivational discourse. A qualitative analysis of the corpus shows that the incorporation of AfL techniques coincided with several motivational strategies for language learning. The findings contribute to an understanding of how the use of AfL techniques may contribute to integrating motivational strategies in a more systematic way in the CLIL educational context.


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