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This study is a scoping review of research conducted on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Kazakhstan. A total of 26 studies were selected, including journal articles and master’s theses. The selected studies were thematically analyzed to identify key aspects and shared aspects. Three main thematically organized areas for CLIL research emerged from the reviewed studies: (1) Dominant perceptions and beliefs about CLIL, (2) Positive outcomes and challenges in CLIL, and (3) CLIL pedagogy and methodology. The majority of the reviewed studies primarily focused on students’ English language skills, investigated the affective and cognitive experience of CLIL, and addressed challenges, practices, and concerns related to CLIL. These themes capture the current landscape of CLIL research in Kazakhstan and contribute to a more holistic understanding of CLIL’s impact on language acquisition and educational practices, thereby informing approaches to language education in Kazakhstan’s trilingual education system.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: thematic analysis ; CLIL ; Kazakhstan ; trilingual education
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