Volume 4, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2212-8433
  • E-ISSN: 2212-8441
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One of the most challenging issues in all types of content-based instruction is teachers’ perceived lack of pedagogical content knowledge necessary for effective content and language integration. This is linked to a lack of adequate provision for teacher preparation in these programs. This article draws on and adapts work from the wider educational field which updates and respecifies the construct of pedagogical content knowledge. This work is used to conceptualize and provide tools for the empirical analysis of the types of knowledge required for content and language integration in the everyday tasks of teaching in content-based instruction programs. Illustrative analyses from one teacher’s practices are presented. It is argued that the combination of a conceptual, heuristic framework and grounded, situated analysis can provide a foundation for a deeper understanding of content and language integration and tools for the organization of teacher education curricula in content-based instruction programs.


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