Volume 5, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2212-8433
  • E-ISSN: 2212-8441
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CLIL (content and language integrated learning) is an educational approach where a classroom subject is taught through a second language. However, its core features are ambiguously interpreted. Research on CLIL teaching has consistently shown that teachers focus their methodological efforts on the teaching of subject matter concepts and take any language related aspects mostly as by-products of such an approach. This has led to only sparsely planned methodological efforts when it comes to the teaching of language. Contrary to this, it is argued in this hermeneutical study that thinking and language acquisition are inextricably intertwined and CLIL teachers are therefore by definition also language teachers. Following this, the author reports on a pedagogical CLIL model, named SALT, that was devised for and successfully implemented in CLIL training courses to support subject teachers on their way to becoming language-aware CLIL teachers. Pedagogical procedures of the model's principles and concepts are also presented.


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