Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2213-1272
  • E-ISSN: 2213-1280
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This essay offers insights into the problematic notions of irony, sarcasm and mock politeness, inspired by Charlotte Taylor’s recent monograph . Different understandings of the concept of mock politeness, as well as sarcasm and irony, are succinctly depicted. Some explanation is also provided for the contradictory findings reported in previous scholarship with regard to the im/politeness effects of irony. Additionally, this paper revisits Taylor’s select conclusions about the use of the first-order labels that she considers pertinent to mock politeness (i.e. labels used by lay language users).


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  • Article Type: Discussion
Keyword(s): first-order label; im/politeness; irony; metapragmatics; mock politeness; sarcasm
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