Volume 17, Issue 4
  • ISSN 1569-2159
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9862
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Media research problematizes processes of mediation and the media-audience relationship. The study explores a second-order but equally important type of mediation process, that of press translation. It examines a set of pairs of English original and Greek translated headlines culled from various Greek newspapers (2005–2015). It highlights translation shifts which have the potential to drive the interest and values of some locations and political action or players, with a view to modifying perception of political landscapes and the demographics of inclusion and exclusion. The study shows that this is achieved by translation strategies managing proximity/ distance implications, agency representation, de/aestheticizing suffering or shifting perceptions of audience identity. Remediation-as-translation practice needs rigorous theorizing as it assumes an important yet rather neglected area of media tactics, which can de/mobilize moralizing ethics and affect ethical sensibility in public sphere.


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