Volume 18, Issue 6
  • ISSN 1569-2159
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9862
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Brexit, i.e. the withdrawal of the from the , is an event, which, regardless of its course and destination, has had a lasting impact on international politics. This paper offers a cognitive linguistic perspective on Brexit and investigates its conceptual metaphorizations on the first days after the referendum. The paper compares data from and non- media. The perspective adopted is that of Socio-Cognitive Studies in combination with quantitative analysis. The findings suggest there are significant differences between source domains and continental ones, e.g. overall metaphor use throughout the period is more pronounced in the sub-dataset; in the sub-dataset, metaphorizations characterize either a ‘break-up’ between ‘two Britains’ or an ‘break-up’; and are more frequently used in the , while is more prominent in the continental sub-dataset. Overall, a preference for inanimate source domains characterizes both sub-datasets.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Brexit; conceptualization; metaphor; non-uk eu media; online media; uk media
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