Volume 21, Issue 3
  • ISSN 1569-2159
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9862
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Figurative framing, in the form of metaphorical expressions, is especially effective in carrying conceptual content on an issue and affecting public opinion. One topic that has been heavily debated in contemporary Hungarian media is migration. Framing starts with the label that journalists select to refer to fled people: (“immigrant”), (“migrant”) or (“refugee”). Depending on the label, different associations emerge, resting upon differing (metaphorical) conceptualizations evoked by the labels. We analysed metaphorical compounds based on the keywords in a media corpus of approx. 15 million words. Our results indicate that while all three keywords evoke predominantly negative frames and evaluations that build on stock metaphorical conceptualizations of fled people as also identified in the international literature – such as and  –, the distribution of these metaphors does vary, depending on a) the selected keyword; and b) the political agenda of the media source.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): asylum seeker; framing; Hungary; immigrant; media; metaphor; migrant; migration
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