Volume 11, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2211-3770
  • E-ISSN: 2211-3789
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The papers in this special issue address themes from (THEY 2019), a conference that brought together researchers working on topics relating to nonbinary gender in language, particularly in pronouns. The papers collected in this special issue provide an overview of the current state of research and practice on nonbinary pronouns as they are currently used in English, as well as connecting the current practices in English to nonbinary pronouns in other languages. There are two sections. In the first section are five traditional academic articles on non-binary language and pronouns; the second section features three short technical articles that raise practical and/or pedagogical issues related to non-binary pronouns from a scholarly perspective. Authors in this volume investigate these topics not only for the advancement of linguistic scholarship, but also to make that scholarship visible to other fields and for broader advocacy.


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  1. Ackerman, Lauren
    2019 Syntactic and cognitive issues in investigating gendered coreference. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics4(1): 1–27. 10.5334/gjgl.721
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  2. Bjorkman, Bronwyn M.
    2017 Singular they and the syntactic representation of gender in English. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics2(1): 1–13. 10.5334/gjgl.374
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  3. Braun, Virginia & Clarke, Victoria
    2016 (Mis)conceptualising themes, thematic analysis, and other problems with Fugard and Potts’ (2015) sample-size tool for thematic analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology19(6): 739–743. 10.1080/13645579.2016.1195588
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  4. Clark, Beth A., Veale, Jaimie F., Townsend, Marrie, Frohard-Dourlent, Hélène & Saewyc, Elizabeth M.
    2018 Non-binary youth: Access to gender-affirming primary health care. International Journal of Transgenderism19(2): 158–169. 10.1080/15532739.2017.1394954
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  5. Conrod, Kirby
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  8. Frohard-Dourlent, Hélène, Dobson, Sarah, Clark, Beth A., Doull, Marion & Saewyc, Elizabeth M.
    2017 “I would have preferred more options”: Accounting for non-binary youth in health research. Nursing Inquiry24(1): e12150. 10.1111/nin.12150
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  11. Hernandez, Ellis, Shukla, Ash & Bischoff, Shannon
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  12. Konnelly, Lex & Cowper, Elizabeth
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  13. Seelman, Kristie L.
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  15. Weinhardt, Lance S., Stevens, Patricia, Xie, Hui, Wesp, Linda M., John, Steven A., Apchemengich, Immaculate, Kioko, David, Chavez-Korell, Shannon, Cochran, Katherine M., Watjen, Jennifer M. & Lambrou, Nickolas H.
    2017 Transgender and gender nonconforming youths’ public facilities use and psychological well-being: A mixed-method study. Transgender Health2(1): 140–150. 10.1089/trgh.2017.0020
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  16. Wentling, Tre L.
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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): advocacy; gender; linguistics; nonbinary; pedagogy; pronouns
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