Volume 38, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0920-9034
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9870
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In multilingual Taiwan, a language variety spoken in I-Lan County of northeastern Taiwan has been dubbed ‘Yilan Creole’ and analyzed as a creole by scholars because it contains features from Japanese and Austronesian languages. This article revisits the question of whether it is indeed a creole. I scrutinize its sociohistorical background as well as aspects of its lexicon and grammar, which I compare with those of Japanese and (Squliq) Atayal to provide a solid foundation for assessing its creole status. I conclude that ‘Yilan Creole’ is by no means a creole.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Atayal; Han-hsi; Japanese; Vernacular Atayalic Japanese; Yilan Creole
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