Volume 5, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2215-1931
  • E-ISSN: 2215-194X
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This editorial looks at L2 pronunciation dissertations from 2017 and 2018 to see what topics were of interest in research, to examine trends, and to suggest ideas for the future. The largest group of dissertations reflect interest in instruction and instructional interventions. These interventions look at a wide variety of features, types of instruction (e.g., implicit vs. explicit), different L1-L2 combinations, and the importance of materials in teacher training. The next most common topic was perception, followed by prosody (including stress, intonation, tone and fluency) and acquisition. English and Spanish were the most frequently studied L2s, indicating a need for L2 pronunciation in less commonly researched languages.


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  1. Aldamen, H.
    (2018) Training American-English speakers in the perception and production of Arabic emphatic consonants (Doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas).
  2. Alotaibi, W. J.
    (2018) Teacher-student phonological transference in a Saudi Arabian EFL context: a case study of phonological and attitudinal influences (Doctoral dissertation, University of Southampton).
  3. Contreras, F. A. B.
    (2018) Perceptual representations in Interlanguage Phonology: subcategorial learning in late-learners with a smaller vowel inventory (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom).
  4. Crowther, D. J.
    (2018) Linguistic measures of second language speech: Moving from monologic to interactive speech. (Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University).
  5. Ge, H.
    (2018) The processing of focus in Cantonese-speaking second language learners of English. (Doctoral dissertation, Chinese University of Hong Kong).
  6. Guigelaar, E. R.
    (2017) Processing of English focal stress by L1-English and L1-Mandarin/L2-English speakers (Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Stony Brook).
  7. Huang, Y. C.
    (2018) The influence of speech shadowing on English word-initial consonants produced by speakers of English as a foreign language. (Doctoral dissertation, California State University, Long Beach).
  8. Jenkins, J.
    (2000) The phonology of English as an international language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  9. Jepson, V.
    (2017) Second language phonological acquisition in naturalistic learners. (Doctoral Dissertation, University of Florida).
  10. Jiang, Y.
    (2017) Development and effectiveness of online intonation training modules to improve Chinese speakers’ English speech. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara).
  11. Kermad, A. A. D.
    (2018) Speaker and listener variability in the perception of non-native speech. (Doctoral dissertation, Northern Arizona University).
  12. Laturnus, R.
    (2018) Perceptual adaptation to non-native speech: The effects of bias, exposure, and input variation (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis, New York University).
  13. Lee, H.
    (2018) Acquisition of second language prosody and the role of prosody in discourse: A study of English speakers’ Korean and Korean Speakers’ English. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California Los Angeles.)
  14. Lee, Y.
    (2017) Lexical stress features affecting the recognition of English loanwords in Korean by native English hearers. (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida).
  15. Levis, J.
    (2015) The Journal of Second Language Pronunciation: An essential step toward a disciplinary identity. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 1(1), 1–10. 10.1075/jslp.1.1.001edi
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  16. Li, M.
    (2018) Know thyself? Self-vs. other-assessment of second language pronunciation. (Doctoral dissertation, Boston University).
  17. Lin, C. W.
    (2018) The perception and production of Arabic lexical stress by learners of Arabic: A usage-based account. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Michigan).
  18. Liu, D.
    (2018) Leveraging metalinguistic awareness and L1 prosody in the learning of L2 prosody: the case of Mandarin speakers learning English sentence stress (Doctoral dissertation, Boston University).
  19. Menjo, S.
    (2018) The development of l2 prosody in Japanese speakers of English: A quasilongitudinal study. (Doctoral dissertation, Texas A & M, Commerce).
  20. Moorman, C. M.
    (2017) Individual differences and linguistic factors in the development of mid vowels in L2 Spanish learners: A longitudinal study (Doctoral dissertation, Georgetown University).
  21. Morales, A. J. H.
    (2017) Development in pronunciation accuracy through visual feedback and drills: Evidence from stoprhotic clusters in learners of Spanish as L2 (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).
  22. Mueller, J.
    (2017) An examination of the influence of age on L2 acquisition of English sound-symbolic patterns. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland).
  23. Musa, R. I.
    (2017) Production and perception of L2 English orthographic and phonological representations by L1 Tera/Hausa speakers: an experimental study. (Doctoral dissertation, Newcastle University).
  24. O’Neill, S. O.
    (2018) Sound correspondences in the English-Spanish bilingual lexicon. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Iowa). 10.17077/etd.bnqd‑f6nl
  25. Peltekov, P.
    (2018) The effectiveness of implicit and explicit instruction on German L2 learners’ pronunciation. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary).
  26. Pelzl, E.
    (2018) Second language lexical representation and processing of Mandarin Chinese tones. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland).
  27. Qian, M.
    (2018) An adaptive computational system for automated, learner-customized segmental perception training in words and sentences: Design, implementation, assessment. (Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University).
  28. Riestenberg, K.
    (2017) Acoustic salience and input frequency in L2 lexical tone learning: Evidence from a Zapotec revitalization program in San Pablo Macuiltianguis. (Doctoral dissertation, Georgetown University).
  29. Russell, N.
    (2018) The acquisition of Spanish word-initial voiceless stops: Adult language learners in a communicative program. (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University).
  30. Santiago Pérez, M.
    (2017) Socialized perception and L2 pronunciation among Spanish-speaking learners of English in Puerto Rico. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Puerto Rico).
  31. Scarpace, D. L.
    (2017) The acquisition of resyllabification in Spanish by English speakers. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
  32. Son, J.
    (2018) Acquisition of Spanish intonation by Native Korean speakers. (Doctoral dissertation, University of California Los Angeles).
  33. Sonsaat, S.
    (2017) The Influence of an online pronunciation teacher’s manual on teachers’ cognitions. (Doctoral dissertation, Iowa State University). 10.31274/etd‑180810‑5849
  34. Srinivasan, N.
    (2018) Acoustic analysis of English vowels by young Spanish-English bilingual language learners. (Doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University).
  35. Sunara, S.
    (2018) Effects of explicit instruction and corrective feedback on the acquisition of the French accentual phrase by native speakers of English. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto).
  36. Takeda, A.
    (2018) English prosodic marking of information structure by L1-Japanese second language learners. (Doctoral dissertation, University of Hawai’i at Manoa).
  37. von Wertz, S. C.
    (2017) Is it all relative? Relative pitch and L2 lexical tone perception/tone language comprehension by adult tone and non-tone language speakers. (Doctoral Dissertation, City University of New York).
  • Article Type: Editorial
Keyword(s): acquisition; instruction; L2 pronunciation; perception; prosody
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