Volume 6, Issue 3
  • ISSN 2215-1931
  • E-ISSN: 2215-194X
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In this longitudinal study we tracked change in comprehensibility and English use over a 10-month period in 14 L2 English learners (8 beginner, 6 intermediate) settling in Australia. They were interviewed 4 times during the 10 months as part of a larger longitudinal study. English use was reported at each interview using a language map and excerpts from recordings of Interviews 1 and 4 were rated for comprehensibility. Intermediate participants tended to be more comprehensible and maintain a higher level of English use over time than the beginners. Exploration of individual variation revealed a range of comprehensibility outcomes, the variable and non-linear nature of English use trajectories, and a possible relationship between comprehensibility change and English use for some participants. Important methodological implications for future studies relate to the measurement of comprehensibility and English use, the speech samples used for comprehensibility ratings, and the importance of individual variation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): comprehensibility; English use; individual variation; longitudinal
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