Volume 4, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2542-3835
  • E-ISSN: 2542-3843
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This study explores conceptual meaning in the construal of distinct temporal concepts by L1 Italian speakers, and considers the possibility that L1 constrained perspectives may influence the L2 English production of these speakers in the form of Conceptual Transfer (CT). Adopting a Cognitive Linguistics framework, reports are used as a data collection technique capable of accessing the meanings that both L1 Italian and L1 English speakers seek to convey in relation to the target concepts in English. Analysis of the reports revealed distinctly different approaches by the two language groups in the construal of these concepts. Results of this initial exploratory study point to cross-linguistic difference in the temporal meanings expressed, a role for L1 constrained construal in second language acquisition, the potential for CT based on this and the potency of reports in revealing this and other relevant factors.


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