Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2542-3835
  • E-ISSN: 2542-3843
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This paper explores the extent to which L1-Korean L2-English speakers’ L1 influences the computation of conversational implicatures for the definite and demonstrative determiners and in English. Both and denote unique referents, but carries implication of contrast (Roberts, 2002). Following Submaxim 2 of the Gricean Quantity Maxim, using instead of unmarked implicates that the referent is being implicitly contrasted with other members of the same noun. Korean has no equivalent for and the demonstrative ‘that’ is situated on the semantic scale between and . This partial overlap could influence L1-Korean L2-English speakers’ implicature computation even though also carries implication of contrast. Acceptability judgment data indicate that unlike native speakers, L2 speakers did not show sensitivity to infelicitous use of , indicating difficulty computing implicatures. Results are discussed in terms of crosslinguistic influence at the semantics-pragmatics interface in L2 acquisition.


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