Volume 9, Issue 6
  • ISSN 1879-9264
  • E-ISSN: 1879-9272
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This paper provides an overview of the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis (PTH), which accounts for certain difficulties that learners experience with L2 morphosyntax. We focus on inflection and articles, which have often been accounted for through defective syntactic representations or problems with the interface between morphology and syntax (inflection) and between semantics or discourse/pragmatics and syntax (articles). We argue that some problems in these domains reflect transfer of L1 prosodic constraints: certain forms cannot be prosodically represented as target-like and hence are omitted or mispronounced. We trace how the PTH has developed over time, from its initial instantiation as involving permanent L1 transfer, to currently, where L1 representations are seen as adaptable to the needs of the L2, and new representations can in fact be acquired. We provide an overview of work conducted in this framework and discuss how the theory has been extended beyond production to encompass comprehension and processing.


A commentary article has been published for this article:
The scope of the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Phonology constrains morphology differently in developing L1, cL2, and L2 Grammars


A commentary article has been published for this article:
What do prosodic accounts add to the research on L2 articles?


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Evidence for syntactic feature transfer between two languages


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Possible extensions of the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Better together


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Transfer cost and the developmental path to target object clitic prosody


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Prosodic transfer in the receptive modality


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Plotting individual learning trajectories in the acquisition of L2 prosodic constraints


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Prosodic effects on L2 grammars


A commentary article has been published for this article:
The Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Prosodic transfer and its relation to hypotheses of morphological development


A commentary article has been published for this article:
‘Minimal adaptation’ and the edges of prosodic domains


A commentary article has been published for this article:
The Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis in the grammar and its treatment of clitics


A commentary article has been published for this article:
Types of evidence and the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis

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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): articles; inflection; omission; prosodic transfer; substitution
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