image of Pseudo matrix sluicing constructions in Mandarin Chinese



Speakers of Mandarin Chinese have a variety of ways to respond to others, one of which is the employment of a single -phrase to form a follow-up question. However, using a short -phrase to ask a question is not without any restrictions. Sometimes, the antecedent sentence needs to contain an indefinite NP, while at other times it does not. I first consider the possibility of applying the movement and ellipsis approach and the base-generation approach to these Mandarin short -phrase questions. Given the fact that neither of these analyses captures the syntactic properties of this type of question in Mandarin Chinese, I propose to deal with it in terms of an analysis that is based on LF-copying. More specifically, I propose that the -phrase in a short -phrase question is base-generated in the Spec of CP, which is followed by an empty IP in the underlying and surface structure. When this structure is processed at LF, it becomes interpretable after the antecedent IP is copied into the empty IP position. Since the -phrase remains in its original position throughout the derivation, I call this type of question a This analysis not only successfully accounts for the derivation of Mandarin short -questions, but also respects the fact that Mandarin Chinese is a -in-situ as well as a non-preposition-stranding language.

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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: ellipsis ; wh-phrase ; fragment ; LF-copying ; sluicing
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