Volume 6, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2589-7233
  • E-ISSN: 2589-7241
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When we use language, we normally do not engage in verbal interactions in isolation. So, when studying verbal exchange, one should expect other activities to be manifested in some ways in the lexicogrammar either at clause simplex or clause complex level. This article is a link in a chain of articles that set out to investigate different aspects of projection across a variety of languages. It studies the verbal environment in which verbal projection occurs. It mainly explores explicit and implicit quoting and reporting strategies and the activities that accompany quoting. It compares some characteristics identified by Matthiessen and Teruya (2014a) in their investigation of quoting strategies in English to those that appear in the environment of quoting in Arabic, in addition to exploring some other traits that are proper to the quoting environment in Arabic.


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