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First of all, I would like to make clear that this paper is meant as a response to the attack against the Mixed Game Model (Weigand 2010) launched by Harrissians in their articles of the Special Issue of this journal (2018, 1). When I became aware of the fact that against their dogmatic position no argument can take effect, I decided not to take part directly in such a pseudo-debate but to respond in a discussion article in the next issue (see the preface of the special issue). I am writing this discussion article not in the futile hope of changing the minds of Harrissian hardliners, but because I feel obliged to the other contributors of the Special Issue who made a plea for the MGM. Moreover, I feel obliged to the readers of this journal to defend my position regarding basic issues of linguistics. I’ll focus on central points and refer to my book on “Dialogue: The Mixed Game” for details.
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