Volume 9, Issue 3
  • ISSN 2210-4119
  • E-ISSN: 2210-4127



This article presents linguistic and communicative transformations in socially significant areas of modern communication in Russia. The authors apply a historical-comparative method as well as diachronic description and interpretation to analyze the processes taking place under the influence of intra- and extra-linguistic factors in various Internet and media genres, such as advertising, business and professional communication. It was found that the fusion of the features of communication and publication, the combination of dialogue and polylogue determine the “clickbait” nature of blogs and make blogging the most influential genre of Internet communication. The growing influence of oral speech and corporate rules in the field of business communication underlies the trend toward agrammatism of phrases. Innovations in the field of advertising manifest themselves on the verbal level of the slogan and its implicit influence on the recipient.


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