Volume 12, Issue 3
  • ISSN 2210-4119
  • E-ISSN: 2210-4127
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In this paper we examine how couple and family therapists, in accounting for the moments of their first therapeutic encounters identified as , invoke asymmetric affiliations with their clients in the Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) dialogues. Applying Conversation Analysis and drawing on Membership Categorization Analysis, we analyze how these invoked (dis)affiliations are constructed in the fine interactional details of the interview and in/through the categories mobilized by the participants. The findings show therapists’ explicit affiliation with one spouse and often concurrently disaffiliation with the other in yet another interactive format. Consequently, the asymmetric affiliations are further strengthened by remaining unrecognized, unaddressed and ultimately unreflected in the IPR dialogue. The interviewer’s key role in promoting or constraining the therapist’s recognition of the asymmetric relations is discussed.


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