Volume 1, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2452-1949
  • E-ISSN: 2452-2147
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This study offers a linguistic and sociohistorical analysis of Chocó Spanish (CS), an Afro-Hispanic variety spoken in the Pacific lowlands of Colombia by the descendants of the slaves taken to this region to work in gold mines during the colonial era. This research also tackles the many questions arising from the much-debated origins of the Afro-Hispanic Languages of the Americas (AHLAs) ( McWhorter 2000 ; Lipski 2005 ). It provides an account of the evolution of CS that is rooted in the recently proposed Legal Hypothesis of Creole Genesis ( Sessarego 2015 , 2017a ). In so doing, this article tests to what extent such a hypothesis makes valid predictions for a variety like CS, which developed in a region described by many as ‘remote’ and ‘on the frontier’ (cf. Whitten 1974 ; Sharp 1976 ), thus far away from legal courts and where law was not likely to be properly enforced.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Chocó Spanish; Legal Hypothesis of Creole Genesis; Spanish Creoles
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