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Justly can we apply the definition of hermetic poetry to the works of Marc Papillon de Lasphrise, both as they mirror a world deeply influenced by the esoteric doctrine of Hermes Trismegistus and because the poet resorts to metabolic devices whose aim is to complicate the message and make communication difficult. In this study we examine a few examples of these metabolic expressions such as specular writing — where the decrypting mechanism can be easily identified — but also devices much more difficult to decipher. In the "Sonnet en langue inconnue" (S. LXXXI in Diverses Poésies) the process involved in the message alteration suggests a double or triple metaplastic encoding similar to the one applied in the loucherbem language. The reason underlying this linguistic experimen-talism is ultimately philosophic as it attempts to go beyond the limits imposed on man and writer.