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Les Clitiques en et Y dans les Causatives en Faire
- Source: Lingvisticæ Investigationes, Volume 13, Issue 2, Jan 1989, p. 333 - 350
It is proposed that, in French causative constructions, the clitic is attached to the verb which governs it and that the embedded verb cannot govern its complements after having been preposed. The clitics en and y, when associated with positions which are subcategorized by the embedded verb, can be attached to the embedded verb prior to its preposing. After V has been preposed, these clitics can be attached optionally to faire which governs them. However, the clitics associated with complements which are not subcategorized by the embedded verb must be attached to faire. The difference between the placement of en and y, and the placement of accusative and dative clitics is caused by the type of category assigning the case to the positions associated with these clitics.