Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0378-4169
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9927
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The "associative anaphoras" (e.g. He enters the village and goes to see the mayor), contrary to the "true anaphoras" (e.g. A policeman rings at the door; and soon the policeman leaves), are neither co-references, nor lexically identical to the antecedent. Our analysis of the associative anaphora tends to turn it into a particular case of the true anaphora. We can distinguish two main categories of associative anaphoras: those which result from an ellipsis of true anaphora, and those which result from an antecedent ellipsis of true anaphora. Here is an example of the first category: I leave a restaurant; the cook (of that restaurant, 0) is remarkable. Here is an example of the second category: He takes his temperature (with a thermometre, 0); the thermometre shows 39° C.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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