Analyse Lexicale et Syntaxique: Le système INTEX
  • ISSN 0378-4169
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9927
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The purpose of this work is to enhance the morphological parser of intex so it can identify inflected forms that satisfy one or more lexical constraints. These constraints will be stated using expressions such as: un þVþable= unpredictable þAþíssimo= altíssimo(very tall) þNþito = librito (little book)Enhancement of the parser will allow not only identification of words with a certain derivational structure, but also identification of words formed by concatenation of other words. In German, this is a routine process in the creation of compound nouns: þAþþNþ = Dunkelblau (dark blue) þNþþNþþNþ= Haustürschlüssel(key of the door of the house)Such linguistic phenomena are also found in English: þAþþNþ = blackboard, and in Romance languages: þADVþþAþ= bienvenue(welcome) þADVþþAþ= bendisposto(well-disposed) þNþþAþ = aguardente (firewater)We discuss problems encountered in the integration of this new feature into the morphological parser, and propose some solutions.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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