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Raising from NP in Malagasy
- Source: Lingvisticæ Investigationes, Volume 23, Issue 1, Jan 2000, p. 1 - 44
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We begin this paper with a detailed study of Possessor Raising in Malagasy. Possessor Raising is shown to be exceptionally productive; moreover it largely conforms to the generalizations offered by Relational Grammar for Possessor Raising in general. But the incorporation it triggers is not of the same sort as studied in Baker (1996). Then we argue that Possessive Raising is a special case of a more general syntactic/semantic relation we call Raising from NP. This more general operation violates some tenets of Relational Grammar and appears to be a new type of derivational relation within generative grammar.
© 2000 John Benjamins Publishing Company