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Préfixation des verbes de déplacement tchèques
- Source: Lingvisticæ Investigationes, Volume 24, Issue 2, Jan 2001, p. 289 - 318
SummaryPrefixation of the Verbs of Movement in CzechPrefixed verbs constitute a major proportion of verbs of movement (as defined in 1.1. of the article) in Czech. We consider those formed by the prefixes : při-, od-, vy-, v-, do-, roz- and s-We examine their syntactic properties, especially their compatibility with different locative complements, trying to find typical properties or restrictions for each prefix. Whilst traditional grammar ascribes a meaning to prefixes, we defend the position that a prefix derives its meaning from its interaction with the other elements of the sentence (not only the root verb), and that all elements of the sentence contribute to create the meaning of a sentence.
© 2001 John Benjamins Publishing Company