Grammaires et Lexiques Comparés: Actes du Colloque
  • ISSN 0378-4169
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9927
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SummaryThe description of the language as used by children along the acquisition period leads to question about the most elementary principles which base all theory about language organization. The principal tools and concepts of the Lexicon-Grammar theory give account of the language organization inspite of the fact that they were not conceived to describe the language in acquisition. In particular the organization of the language in a set of discourses which gives the way of discovering its organization allow children to acquire the language through Reformulation. To acquire language children produce their predications as a function of previous predications. They repeat a part without any change and modify the rest of the source utterance. The invariant part and the modified part change in the course of the acquisition.


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