Adverbes et compléments adverbiaux / Adverbs and adverbial complements
  • ISSN 0378-4169
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9927
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This article studies the adverb ainsi in its twin functions of manner adverb modifying a given verb, and of sentence adverb — here a connective. This dual functioning is characteristic of a number of adverbs, and as with them, all the characteristic properties of each of these types are verified. In both cases, the basic meaning of ainsi is that of ‘conformity’ — conformity of a manner of doing or being with another manner of doing or being, and conformity of the content of an utterance with a previously evoked state of affairs. For each of these two uses, we study the particular order of words, on occasion in relation to their character, and show that manner adverb ainsi is unique within its category in setting itself apart from other adverbial form types allowing “subject inversion”.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): adverbial complements; Adverbs; anaphora; double analysis; word order.
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