The role of input on early first language morphosyntactic development: Le rôle de l’input sur le développement morphosyntaxique précoce en langue maternelle
  • ISSN 1879-7865
  • E-ISSN: 1879-7873
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Usage-based studies of morphological development have provided robust evidence of the relevance of local root/inflection combinations for children’s detection of morphological patterns. This paper shows that dialogical continuity is supported by interlocutors’ use of the same lexical verb, presenting children with neighboring morphological forms of the verb, thereby providing an additional source of information on inflectional contrasts. The most prominent neighboring patterns of verb morphology found in Mexican Spanish interactions involve person inflection; first and second person forms reveal sequential complementarity while third person forms employ the continuous use of same form by interlocutors. These conversational sequences constitute the context in which children apply their pattern-finding abilities. Children may participate and work on this aspect from the age of two onwards.


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