Discourse Markers in Second Language Acquisition / Les marqueurs discursifs dans l’acquisition d’une langue étrangère
  • ISSN 1879-7865
  • E-ISSN: 1879-7873
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In this study, we analyze the kind of actions L1 and L2 speakers of Italian perform by prefacing their responsive turns with the discourse marker As a baseline, the article begins with an analysis of how native speakers of Italian use . We then carry out quantitative and qualitative analyses of the use of in a number of L2 learners at different proficiency levels from three data sets of different types of interactions between students and native speakers of Italian. In the qualitative analysis, we adopt a conversation analytic perspective. The results suggest that both native speakers and L2 speakers, from intermediate to advanced level, perform a variety of social actions by -prefacing their responsive turns.


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  • Article Type: Research Article

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