oa Character perspective shift sequences and embodiment markers in signed and spoken discourse
- Source: Languages in Contrast, Volume 22, Issue 2, Aug 2022, p. 259 - 289
- 24 Apr 2021
- 08 Nov 2021
- 20 Jun 2022
The aim of this study is to present a distributional portrait of forms of character-perspective sequences as produced by LSQ (Langue des signes québécoise) signers and Quebec French speakers, in relation to corporal and grammatical marking in a set of recorded discourses. Among the forms we examine are grammatical, corporal and rhythm markers. As for the types of character perspective shift examined, we focus on the nature of the event that is being enacted: speech, thought, action or gesture. The dataset employed in the study consists of short, elicited narratives using video sketches as stimuli. Both Deaf signers and French speakers were asked to describe short scenarios that were displayed without any signing or speech. Half of the stimuli were constructed from a series of factual events containing no emphatic reactions or actions, while the other half included emphatic elements. Twenty-four narratives produced by these two groups were transcribed and coded using ELAN to determine the distribution of character perspective shift sequences (CPS) used in terms of presence (duration) and frequency (occurrences). Further markers were also identified in terms of frequency, which was then analyzed with a factorial ANOVA statistical model. The overall finding of this study is that CPS is used in both language groups, despite their varying results in terms of the distribution of frequency and markers.