Volume 18, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1387-6759
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9897
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This study compares the semantic networks of the verbal prefix - in two South Slavic languages, Bulgarian (.) and Croatian (.), in a cognitive linguistics framework using two databases of prefixed verbs drawn from dictionaries and corpora. We point to similarities and overlapping categories in the semantic networks of - in . and ., as well as to differences. When accounting for the differences, we consider prefixes semantically similar to - (within one language and in both languages) that combine with the same base verbs forming either prefixed near-synonyms (e.g., . ‘wither, fade’; . ‘grease, stain’) or prefixed verbs that are only seemingly near-synonyms (e.g., . ‘indicate, show’, ‘turn out’; . ‘denigrate, slander’, () ‘color black, wear black’). We examine how the meaning networks of individual semantically related prefixes (e.g., - and -, ) overlap within one language and across the two languages, as well as how different construals of the same event affect the prefix choice.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Bulgarian / Croatian; prefixal semantics; the prefix u-; verbal prefixes
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