Volume 10, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2214-9953
  • E-ISSN: 2214-9961
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Recent sociolinguistic studies have emphasized the role of the Linguistic Landscape in analyzing language attitudes and identities in relation to minoritized languages. The present study examines language attitudes and perceptions of Asturian speakers towards the use of Asturian, a minoritized regional language spoken in Asturies, Spain, in the public space. Data was gathered through a survey questionnaire distributed amongst residents of Mieres, a municipality located in the center of Asturies. Through qualitative and quantitative analyses, results show that the presence of Asturian linguistic and semiotic resources reinforces participants’ Asturian identity. Findings reveal positive language attitudes: not only do participants believe that speaking Asturian is an essential part of being Asturian, but they want Asturians to continue learning and speaking the language. This study shows how the Linguistic Landscape is a valuable tool in uncovering language attitudes and perceptions, which are inextricably linked to one’s identity within a community.


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