Volume 48, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0272-2690
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9889
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This article proposes an application of the capability approach (CA) within linguistic justice, adopting a capability-based approach. The aim is to break down the concept into language-based capabilities associated with public goods, which can be evaluated through qualitative or quantitative methods, aligning with policy cycle models. The objective is to deconstruct the abstract notion of linguistic justice into manageable components, namely language-based capabilities, making it amenable to scrutiny through policy analysis. Language-based capabilities are capabilities linked to public goods and services that inherently require a language for conversion into functioning. The state plays a crucial role as a conversion enabler through fair and effective language policies. This breakdown into language-based capabilities facilitates the identification of individual strategies, making the evaluation of language policies easier. Such an approach enables an examination of the policymaking process, including its efficacy, shortcomings, and opportunities for improvement. The ultimate goal is to translate a highly normative approach into an operational definition, further breaking it down into measurable indicators, thereby advancing the field.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): capability approach; language policy; linguistic justice; normative approach
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