Volume 41, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0731-3500
  • E-ISSN: 2214-5907
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In Rgyalrongic studies, it is believed that the most complex stem alternation system is found in Zbu, a Northern Rgyalrong language, whereas other languages, including Situ, have simpler systems. However, as a dialect of Situ Rgyalrong, Brag-bar presents a complex stem alternation system exhibiting several opaque features in comparison with other Situ dialects. This paper documents the stem alternations in the Brag-bar dialect of Situ Rgyalrong. It first describes the distribution and stem formation devices of different verb stems in Brag-bar, then explains the occurrence of the irregular stem I′/II′ in Brag-bar and investigates their synchronic status.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Brag-bar; stem alternation; stem II′; stem I′; vowel alternation
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