Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2589-2053
  • E-ISSN: 2589-207x
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Vocabulary acquisition of young foreign language learners is an understudied topic. This study examines how early foreign language textbooks in Finland present and practise vocabulary. Moreover, studying textbooks is essential as they guide teachers’ actions and pupils’ perceptions of what is central in learning and how one should learn. We examined five different textbooks used in Finland for early foreign language learning. The languages covered were English, French, German, Swedish and Spanish. We analysed how the textbooks presented vocabulary using Thornbury’s (2002) classification as a basis. In particular, we looked at how the books took into account pupils’ existing linguistic resources, how they introduced and attempted to consolidate new vocabulary, what aspects of vocabulary knowledge were emphasised, what the role of formulaic sequences was, and if there were differences between the textbooks of different languages. The results showed that even though the textbooks had versatile exercises, there was a lack of progression and consolidating activities. Moreover, it seems that the textbooks do not largely aim at learner agency or translanguaging for vocabulary learning. Therefore, the examined textbooks for early foreign language learning in Finland are not fully in line with current understanding of vocabulary learning and language learning in general.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): early foreign language learning; Finland; textbooks; vocabulary learning
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