Volume 2, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2589-2053
  • E-ISSN: 2589-207x
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This article considers the complexity of factors involved in developing foreign language educational policy, with a particular focus on English at the primary level, which fosters student achievement in state educational systems. It examines both those factors which underpin a successful education system in general (such as equitable provision for all socio-economic groups within the society) as well as factors which affect language teaching policy and practice for primary school learners in particular (such as a curriculum which offers teachers and children opportunities to engage in language use which is meaningful in their contexts). The status and training of highly skilled foreign language teachers for primary aged learners is also accorded due weight. Using case studies of English as a foreign language in the school systems of South Korea and Thailand, the article emphasizes the importance of policies which are appropriate to their educational and socio-cultural context and realistic objectives for young children’s early engagement with learning a foreign language if it is to be a positive experience in primary schools.


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