Volume 15, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1871-1340
  • E-ISSN: 1871-1375
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Two experiments investigated how people perceived and remembered fragments of spoken words that either corresponded to correct lexical entries (as in the complex word ) or did not (as in the simple word ). Experiment 1 was a noise-rating task that probed perception. Participants heard stimuli such , where strikethrough indicates noise overlaid at a controlled signal-to-noise ratio, and rated the loudness of the noise. Results showed that participants rated noise on certain pseudo-roots (e.g., ) as louder than noise on true roots (), indicating that they perceived them with less clarity. Experiment 2 was an eye-fixation task that probed memory. Participants heard a word such as while associating each fragment with a visual shape. At test, they saw the shapes again, and were asked to look at the shape associated with a particular fragment, such as . Results showed that fixations to shapes associated with pseudo-affixes ( in ) were less accurate than fixations to shapes associated with true affixes ( in ), which suggests that they remembered the pseudo-affixes more poorly. These findings provide evidence that the presence of correct lexical entries for roots and affixes modulates people’s judgments about the speech that they hear.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): eye-tracking; memory; morphology; perception
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