Volume 1, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2950-189X
  • E-ISSN: 2950-1881



Some Dutch manner adverbs are marked with diminutive morphology and ‘adverbial ’; cf. (quiet-DIM-S) ‘quietly’. This morphological material interacts with comparative/superlative formation: in Standard Dutch (SD), comparatives/superlatives of diminutive manner adverbs (DMAs) are ill-formed. Dialect reference grammars and novel questionnaire data reveal variation that is unaccounted for; some dialects allow comparative/superlative DMAs.

I propose a unified analysis of SD and dialectal DMA patterns. Based on a discussion of morphosyntactic and semantic properties of the Dutch diminutive and prior analysis of , I propose that DMAs decompose into a phrasal category featuring a manner noun marked by diminutive morphology and a small clause headed by . This analysis of DMAs is comparable to that of Dutch ‘bare-headed’. Identified loci of variable affix ordering and variation between SD and dialects are PF/linearization and variation in the functional domain, respectively.

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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Dutch; manner adverbs; microvariation; morphosyntax; predicate inversion
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