oa The external and internal syntax of genoeg
- Source: Nota Bene, Volume 1, Issue 2, Dec 2024, p. 314 - 332
- 06 Apr 2024
- 08 Jun 2024
- 24 Jan 2025
It has been known since Barbiers (2001) that genoeg ‘enough’ can turn predicate adverbs into sentence adverbs. When genoeg occurs in a sentence adverbial phrase, it is syntactically obligatory, but makes little to no semantic contribution:
- (1)
Kees heeft gek *(genoeg) niet gek genoeg gedanst. Kees has weird *(enough) not weird enough danced
‘Weirdly, Kees didn’t dance weirdly enough.’
In this paper, I analyse the external and internal syntax of such enough support adverbs. Using Cinque’s (1999) adverbial hierarchy, I observe that enough support splits into subject-oriented and evaluative adverbs. Next, I nuance the accepted theory that genoeg in adverbial phrases is an affix: only enough support is a full-fledged affix; regular enough is an affixoid. Finally, I analyse the internal syntax of enough support. I suggest that a Sentence Predicate Projection is needed for the formation of sentence adverbials.