image of Applying narratology to nursing practice
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This article presents an exercise in applied narratology within the context of intensive care nursing, specifically the writing of diaries by nurses for patients to fill in memory gaps and alleviate trauma. The article discusses narrative from three perspectives: (1) as nursing practice, resulting in patient diaries with narrative characteristics and purposes; (2) as analysis of this practice, in a study coupling narrative and nursing theory and practice; and (3) as the application of narratological concepts into practice through dialogues with nurses, with the aim of transferring insights gained from the analysis and enabling nurses’ reflection on their positions, practices and power as narrators for patients. The article argues that narratology be operationalized for nursing work, and there are compelling reasons for why it , which necessitate methodological reflexivity and mutual curiosity, trust, and learning, and considerations about how far the remit of the narratologist, as a non-expert, extends.


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