image of Understanding the relationship between narrative identity, transdiagnostic factors and psychological functioning in a
young adult community sample
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Determining how narrative identity relates to psychological functioning is important for understanding how psychopathology develops and is maintained. The present study investigated whether transdiagnostic factors mediate and/or moderate associations of narrative identity with psychological functioning. We analysed data from  = 245 University students who completed an online survey measuring turning point narratives, transdiagnostic factors and psychological functioning. Results indicated that rumination and emotion dysregulation, but not overgeneral memory, mediated the relationship between lower causal coherence and psychological functioning. Contrary to predictions, neither attachment security nor memory tone moderated any relationships between narrative identity and psychological functioning. These pathways may be particularly important for understanding the development and maintenance of psychopathology.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: emotion ; rumination ; memory ; psychopathology ; attachment ; narrative identity ; turning points ; well-being
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