Volume 25, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1387-6740
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9935
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Narrative researchers need to carefully consider if and how they represent the words and worlds of people/s who do not yet have the power to represent themselves. This paper explores the dialectic of speaking or Others, and posits that making manifest the co-constructed nature of narrative research to both research participants and research audiences can address some of the ideological, political, and ethical considerations involved in re-presenting the narratives of Other/ed people. In particular, it identifies that artistic forms of communication enable the researcher to speak Other/ed research participants by making explicit the dialogic nature of narrative re-presentation, and can fully engage audiences in the content of narrative research so that the stories of Other/ed people get heard. Therefore, it’s posited that the form of academic communication is central to the debate about whether/how we might re-present Other/ed stories.


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